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Are you a busy working woman struggling to optimize your nutrition for peak performance and progress, even though you recognize its crucial role?

Picture this: in the midst of your hectic schedule, you find yourself lacking the energy to get through the day. Despite your efforts to maintain a healthy diet, the desired results seem elusive.

The problem is, without getting your nutrition right, your performance at work and overall well-being may suffer, and you could be more susceptible to burnout.

But what if aligning your nutrition wasn't as complicated as rocket science?

What if you could efficiently plan your meals to ensure sufficient protein intake and accurately estimate protein and carbohydrate amounts without spending too much time on it?

Let's explore how.

#1. Constructing Meals Around Protein Targets

Understanding your protein requirements is vital for optimal performance, especially for busy working women.

Protein plays a crucial role in muscle tissue repair, recovery, and growth. As a woman with a busy schedule, your protein needs might be slightly higher, necessitating intentional planning.

This involves making protein the focal point of each meal before incorporating fruits, vegetables, and starches. Protein takes center stage, with everything else playing a supporting role.

This approach ensures your body receives the necessary fuel for both your professional and personal demands.

Identify your daily protein needs and plan your meals accordingly. Start by aiming for .7g/lb of body weight, experimenting with up to 1g/lb until you find a sustainable and effective amount that fits into your busy lifestyle.

#2. Estimating Protein and Carbohydrate Amounts

In a jam-packed schedule, measuring food is often impractical for busy working women.

Therefore, developing the skill to estimate protein and carbohydrate content in whatever is in front of you becomes valuable. This knowledge aids in making quick, healthier food choices and ensures you meet the necessary macro and micro-nutrient requirements for your demanding days.

For instance, a piece of meat the size of your palm typically contains about 20-30g of protein. Similarly, a fist-sized portion of cooked rice or pasta provides approximately 30-45g of carbohydrates.

Practice estimating protein and carbohydrate amounts in your meals, using online resources for general portion size guidelines that fit into your busy routine.

The goal is not perfection but improvement. Estimating and eyeballing prioritize ease and consistency over precision, making it feasible for busy working women to witness positive changes in their energy levels and performance.

#3. Weighing and Measuring for 10 Days

While estimating is helpful, it lacks the precision of weighing and measuring your food. However, as a busy working woman, finding time for meticulous measurements can be challenging.

Engaging in this practice for ten days provides a better understanding of portion sizes and your actual consumption without becoming too time-consuming. It establishes a realistic baseline for any adjustments you wish to make, whether it's for maintaining your energy levels or managing weight.

This approach allows accurate tracking of your intake, ensuring you receive the right nutrients without adding extra stress to your busy life.

Invest in a food scale and measuring cups. Over the next ten days, weigh and measure everything you consume. This offers a clearer picture of your actual intake and valuable insights into your eating habits, tailored to the unique demands of a busy working woman.

If you need help with getting started, check out our Nutrition Coaching Service where you'll gain:

  • Personalized Nutrition Plans

  • Expert Guidance

  • Accountability and Support

  • Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

  • Grocery Shopping Tips

  • Recipe Ideas

  • Results Tracking

  • Holistic Approach

Let's do this!

-Your Coach, J.

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